Thursday, September 1, 2016

Guide: edit build.prop to display all apps in dual window

This article is taken from the following post (which will require translation):

By default enabling dual window only allows you the option to add a handful of apps. By modifying 5 lines to =true instead of =false you will be able to add ANY app installed on the device to the dual window. I've tested this on my H901. I'll also include a copy of the edited build.prop but I'm on V20J.....if you are not then you are probably better off modifying your own build.prop.

What does this require?

1) adb pull /system/build.prop
2) edit the build.prop to match below
3) do an adb shell, su to root and run "mount -o remount,rw /system" to make your system read/write instead of only read only.
4) rename /system/build.prop to build.prop.bak
5) adb push your modified build.prop to /system
6) type "diff /system/build.prop.bak /system/build.prop" in adb shell and verify the only changes are the 5 expected.
7) reboot. If for some reason it doesn't boot don't can get into twrp and copy the build.prop.bak back over the modified build.prop then reboot and start back at step 1.
8) press the app switching button and select the "dual window" will now see you can scroll through ALL your apps to put in either the top or bottom window.

When you edit your build.prop the lines will NOT be in the same order as the example. You will need to do a search on each line so you can modify it. If you use the premodifed file attached make sure you remove .txt from the end of the filename which was required to attach it to the post.

Attached Files
File Type: txt build.prop.txt - [Click for QR Code] (13.0 KB)

from xda-developers

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