Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Color of the Replacement Note 7... Strictly the same?

Hi guys, another question here.

One of my worries is that it's hard to find a Black Onyx Note 7. I had to go through lots of troubles to get mine. My phone works perfectly and they want me now to exchange it. So it's stressful. I am like "Dammt, they gonna force me to another color". (in my country the gold and silver were mostly available. You had to order the black and wait 1 week to get it).

So when replacing your Note 7, what is their policy about the Color of the Phone?

- Do they force you to get only an available Color? Like: "Sorry we dont have it in black so it's gold only. Deal with it!".

- Do they exchange only with the same color? Like: "You're phone is black so you can get a black phone only!".

- Or is it total Chaos? Like: "Dude, I will check if there's a black one. If not you may get another color. Or wait a few weeks for the black one... Dunno, don't care"...

- Or is it Customer Friendly? Like: "Hi dude. Please enjoy this cocktail and warm towel while we bring you your new replacement Note 7... What color would you prefer btw?"

Tnx for answers!

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2cHP1Jh

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