Tuesday, September 27, 2016

how does CM hide tethering while using hotspot?

I've got a samsung galaxy note 3 with an official build of cyanogenmod 12.1 running on it, and I've been using CMs built in wireless hotspot to tether multiple devices, using gigabytes of data, so far without issue.
my friend who has a samsung galaxy s6 edge wants to be able to do the same, but isn't happy about reflashing the rom, and there's no official CM build available for the s6 edge yet anyway.
so what I'm looking to do is to copy whatever it is that CM does to hide tethering from the network, rooting if necessary. his stock rom already has a built in hotspot.
alternatively, I just want to use whatever the best, most comprehensive and reliable technique is to hide tethering from the network.
would editing the build.prop file work on this device? or the x tether xposed module?

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2d09MiY

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