Monday, September 26, 2016

Help downgrading APP

I've bought a Huawei smartphone, and it has installed a stock music player.
Here comes the problem, I want to install a previous version of the same app.
Now, I can't install the old app because the phone wont allow to substitute a new app for an older one.
I cant uninstall the stock player for the obvious reasons.
I cant get root access because the phone (Huawei Y6 II) isnt rootable yet.

So, the only way I think off resolving this problem is to change the "packagename", "version" or "id" in the old app, so that I can install it as if it was a different app.

I've tried some apps that claims they can do it, but until now, no success...
Can you point me in the right direction?

from xda-developers

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