Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Really confused about this phone

I just got this phone today (I live in Thailand if that matters). I have the 64GB version. I have had Sony, Samsung, Motorola phones in the past and that is what I am used to. So first thing:

How do I change the home launcher? I don't see any setting for it in the settings menu. I can open up Themer (which I downloaded) and it will open up but as soon as I go to any other app, it will go back to the original homescreen.

Why is there no app drawer?

Why is the phone asking me to accept terms (which says **** like honor the Chinese constitution) and connect to the internet just to view photos in my album? I can't think of any reason that a photo album would need to connect to the internet unless it's going to upload my photos somewhere which I obviously don't want. So I seemingly cannot even view photos on this phone unless I can download something else to take care of it.

I looked at the rooting section for this phone and it seems that all of them currently have issues. Is there no way to just get plain ole vanilla android on this phone? I have never rooted a phone before and the thought is a bit scary to me because it seems like most of the instructions are written for people who already know how to do that type of thing. I went to the Cyanogenmod website and they didn't have one for this phone. Are there no alternatives? I will gladly pay for something like this. I don't want all this Mi stuff on my phone.

Sorry if I sound... whatever, I am just a bit flustered with all of this. The hardware seems nice but the software is utter ****. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :(

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2cSfTnv

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