Monday, August 29, 2016

Does droid explorer backup work with Moto g 3rd gen

I have a Moto g 2015 unrooted on android 6 and tried using helium for backup on pc (even though the dev says Motorola has bug which stops the backup) and it didn't work or at least it did backup but on restore it did partial restore on some apps and some apps fully restored, but I want consistent reliable backup without root. So I tried AndroidSDK and did full backup myself which it did. I found out how to do it on here but when I tried individual backup of a specific app as test it backed up but when I restored it said restore started then restore ended but no app restored so I installed droid explorer on my pc to try but as I don't have a way to test it backing up and restoring one app for example I thought I would ask for advice before trusting to full backup

from xda-developers

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