Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Screen turns off after the first Samsung splash screen

I got a refurbished Verizon S5 today. It was running the latest Verizon software (PF4?). After using Odin to flash stock tars, the phone's screen now stays off after the first Samsung splash screen. After the normal amount of boot up time, I can hear the normal keyboard sound effects when I tap on the screen but the screen stays off. Sometimes I can get the phone into recovery but most of the time, the phone says "recovery booting..." and then restarts. I can almost always get the phone into download mode. When the phone is plugged into a charger, the grey battery icon shows up and then the phone restarts.

Here's a chronology:
I got the refurbished phone in the mail. I turned it on and checked the cid. 11 :(
I used Odin to flash G900VVRU2BPB1...tar.md5. It hung on the red Verizon screen for over 30 minutes so I pulled the battery and let it boot again. Still hung. I used Odin to flash PD1. Went into recovery mode and cleared cache and factory reset. Tried PF4 and PD1. It was around this time that the screen started to go black during and after boot. Tried the debrick image on a SD card. Tried PB1.

My next step was to use Kies to reinstall the firmware but I can't find the S/N. The S/N is not under the battery. The imea does not work as the s/n. I'm downloading adb to see if I can pull the s/n through it.

Any other suggestions or ideas? Is this my first brick? Could this be a hardware issue or did I screw up the firmware/boot image somehow?

from xda-developers

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