Tuesday, August 30, 2016

LG G3 F400S Tutorial needed

Hi, I am new to xda-forums so please pardon my lack of knowledge on using it.
I am using LG G3 F400 S and it is running stock android 6.0. I want to install (any) custom rom in it. Earlier, I tried to Root it using kingroot, and install TWRP using autorec, but ended up bricking my phone (probably because of using wrong version of autorec). I managed to unbrick it using a tutorial on the xda-forums.
I am trying to search for a tutorial for installing custom rom on F400S (running MarshMallow) but can not find any. Would someone please point me to the right direction here?
Thanks and best regards.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2caGI6Y

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