Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Hi, all

Currently I am living in Seoul. I study here as an exchange student, and I have recently attended a G-NEXT Game Jam about a week ago.

One of the games that stood out for me was the game M.O.G.I.
M.O.G.I. is a game that is probably inspired by the current heatwave in the city and the resulting mosquito's. (it's like 32 degrees here everyday, lol).
You play a mosquito, who is trying to suck the blood out of the humans, without getting killed. If you successfully survive the night, you will start a new generation.
I managed to get 5 generations before I got a game over screen.

When your in Korea, definitely check out the indie scene here. It's quite amazing and the people are friendly too!
Just had some Korean BBQ with a few of them. I even met someone from XDA, but I can't remember. Hope you got home safe :)

from xda-developers

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