Tuesday, August 30, 2016

[HELP] How do I get the start and end times (values) of current calendar event?

I want to set up an Alarm at the time the current calendar event ends.
Read the wiki and didn't find an in built variable that stores the end time. Only %CALTITLE / %CALDESCR / %CALLOC were there.

Then I stumbled on to Action > test app feature. But can't figure out how to get it to work. I made this little task to test it out

This is what I tried
Get the end time of current calendar event and store in variable %Time
Flash a message of %Time to make sure value was correctly put in the variable

1 Test App > Set Type - Calendar End(Second), Set Data - %TIME, Store in %Time.

2 Alert > Flash > Set Text to %Time

However, The flash message read "%Time" instead of the end time of current calendar entry.

I don't know what Data meant in test app. I assumed it asked for the time at which calendar entries should be fetched. So I put %TIME to fetch the end time of the calendar entry active at current time.

Also this is what's present in the documentation

Calendar tests: require the time in seconds since the epoch as Data (e.g. use %TIMES, or use the Variable Convert action to convert a date/time into seconds first) and are entered in an array (%var1, %var2 etc), not a plain value, because there may be multiple events at the time specified.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/2byeHZG

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