Monday, August 29, 2016

Battery and Performance

I bought the S7 2-3 months ago and it's been the best phone I have used (previously owned S5, S3). However this week I have noticed a couple of issues and wanted to know whether anyone else has had this problem and if there are any solutions to it.

Firstly, for some reason, the charging speed has dropped drastically. Fast charging is turned on in my settings but it's not working anymore? I am using the adapter and wire that comes with the phone. Secondly, the battery life also isn't as good and the lifespan has decreased by a couple of hours atleast. Although the overall phone performance is still very good, I have also seen a fall in the performance from earlier.

I understand with time the performance etc will be affected but was just concerned that having bought the phone 2 months ago, it shouldn't be happening so soon.

Let me know your thoughts and if anyone has experienced the same?


from xda-developers

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