Monday, August 29, 2016

STK issue

I recently purchased a galaxy note 2 E250K phone. But it seems like there is either a software issue, or probably it is still locked

- everytime i boot up the phone, i get that annoying OLLEH logo (instead of the galaxy logo)
- when i try and access my vm from the number pad, the number 1 button does not have that voicemail icon, that indicates its a VM button, in addition, when i press and hold the 1 button, it asks me to create a speed dial, not enter the VM number
- when someone calls me, and i reject the call, it hangs up on them, not forward them to the VM
- i have some apps still show korean language, even though i changed the language to english
- i called my cell phone network provider, they have reset my account 6 times, no help

Any ideas of what can be done?

I was told that my phone could be still locked by a contract from the KT mobile provider in Korea

i am in a desperate state right now, since i have been looking for solution for a month now, and i cant find any.

Is there anything i can do here?

Any help is greatly appreciated


Above is a related problem am having with a similar phone

from xda-developers

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