Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Need original mmcblk0p3 from AT&T M7

Hello, guys. I trying to unlock my HTC One m7 AT&T with replacing mmcblk0p3 but nothing work. Now I have flashed an unlock code but still not working. Need original mmcblk0p3, I lost my backuped file. Who have that mobile? Plese help me, I can described what you need to do for dump it.
Requires enter in recovery, connect phone to your PC, write in adb console

adb shell dd if = / dev / block / mmcblk0p3 of = / sdcard / mmcblk0p3
and send me that file. The question of life and death. This will greatly help. Please, help. I am immensely grateful.

from xda-developers

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