Thursday, June 30, 2016

Major Battery Drain Google Services / Google Accounts / Contacts Sync

I was using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 phone for 2 years and simply loved it how smooth everything worked and how long the battery lasted, keeping in mind that I am a heavy user.
After the 5.0.1 Update my phones battery performance went down the drain. I replaced the battery, uninstalled apps did everything I could actually with no success. I even bought a new Phone thinking that the phone's to blame.
Now I'm having the same issue with a Galaxy Note 5 and Android M installed:
- the phone gets always warm when using it
- significant battery drain with moderate to light usage (100% in half a day)
- Google Play Services using 50% of the battery capacity

But I finally managed to discover the culprit but don't know how to fix it...
From what I see there are problems with contacts syncing because it is syncing between 3 separate Google accounts (my personal, my business, and my employees accounts). I have them all 3 added to my phone and once I added them my battery on my new phone is constantly dying.

Does anyone have a suggestion how I could fix this problem?

I will also be adding screenshots after I am allowed :). Any suggestions are welcome, please don't say stop syncing contacts.... Because contacts are the heart of my business.

from xda-developers

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