Tuesday, May 31, 2016

[POLL] Do you guys use Xposed? Why or why not?

Hey guys,

Since I use Xposed with Greenify conjunctively, mainly because of the CPU coalescing feature, I sometimes wish Xposed wasn't so... buggy. I have had no crashes when there weren't Xposed installed - and then got force closed apps when I installed the Xposed base only, no modules.

Even the developers know this. Some ROMs even refuse to get bug reports if the said device has Xposed. While it is useful, I do believe that useful should not get in the way of stability. Especially if I wake up to a misbehaving phone and I have meetings to attend before 10 AM.

Do you guys use Xposed? Why or why not? And did you guys see any stability issues?

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1qZKhC8

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