Tuesday, May 31, 2016

[HELP]Root + Recovery for M4 Aqua Dual E2363

Hi everyone.
I'm Pablo and recently i bought an M4 Aqua Dual E2363.
First thing that i do after this is run for XDA and search a way to root my phone.
Found some tutorials, but no one of these worked for me.
So i thought "The fact that my cellphone is a dual version means that all the to-do texts about how to root M4 single SIM will not work for me?"

Can any good soul help me to find a tutorial that works for me?
To anyone that already root your own M4 aqua, this help to fix things like overheat and lag in some games?

If this question was already answered, please paste a link to this here.

And sorry for my english. I have not practiced as it should.

Thanks since now :D

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1O16Fqe

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