Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Samsung underclock their GPU ?

Hi all,

I used to have SofaScore on all my phones, it's a great app (for me the best app) to track every sport.
Since I got my new galaxy S7 I noticed the app has a strange behavior....

On my old Sony Z3 the app is perfect.. Super smooth but in the new Samsung flagship it's so laggy.
So I reported to SofaScore's DEV and the answer was:

" Hello ,
Thank you once again for your feedback.

We have just tested SofaScore app on new Samsung flagship, and yes performance is rather atrocious. But I must disappoint you, every other well established apps suffer from the same problem. We don't know what Samsung has done with their phone, but we ran some benchmarks. These are the graphs.

1. Samsung Galaxy S6 - Android 5.1.1

2. Samsung Galaxy S7 - Android 6.0.1

3. Google Nexus 5X - Android 6.0.1

Horizontal green line represents the normal usage. As you can see on the graphs - on our S6 with 5.1.1, everything is normal, app is fluid and no laggs or hiccups. On S7 on OTOH, we notice some heavy frame dropping and choppiness. We then ran test against the Nexus 5X on the same Android (6.0.1), and the results are similar to the S6.

Please note that this kind of behavior is happening on every other non-Samsung app we tried. We don't know what kind of magic tricks did Samsung do in their new phone. Our assumption is that they underclocked the GPU, and that the GPU struggles with most basic tasks such as app animations. Hopefully, they'll address that soon enough, to save it's customers from further struggle.

Hope you'll understand,
Best regards

Thomas "


What you think ?! How can we adress this to samsung ?

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1LPKXnD

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