Tuesday, March 29, 2016

[GUIDE] 4K Recording on CM13 and Custom Roms!!!

As we know, for all Cyanogenmod Users was the Camera app a little bit flawed, it did not let you record in 4K. I found an easy workaround
for that, which should work with any ROM, not only CM.

Just go to the Google Play Store and Download Open Camera, with the link here: http://ift.tt/21iGBqP .
The open it and click the Settings Icon, go to Video Settings and set the Resolution to Highest; 4K Ultra HD. And that is basically it!

The app overall is a great replacement, it has way more controls over Focus etc. There is a bug though, when switching to video mode, the brightness will go on the lowest level. Clicking the settings and going back will fix that. I hope I could help you, Feedback is welcome!

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1MRyafD

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